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Dear AUMC friends,


I am so excited to welcome my little one and so grateful that you have shared in my excitement and celebrated with me! Over the past couple months, I’ve been working to set up plans for my leave in order to ensure both that the needs of the congregation are covered and that I can fully focus my attention on my child in the first 12 weeks of her life. On this page, you will find links to some of the documents that detail those plans. Additional documents have been sent to pastors who are covering and leaders involved in worship. Please note that this page can only be accessed by using the link or url- if you try to find it via the menu on the website, you won't be able to do so.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me up until the time that I go on leave (when the baby is born). After that, please contact the office with any questions or needs.




Maternity Leave Plan- This document contains specific information on the plan for my leave and how different aspects of ministry will be covered during that time.

Congregational Handout- This is the bulletin insert that was distributed in worship on March 14 & 21. It containers a schedule of preachers and some info to address some of the most common questions.

Liturgist Info- This will be sent to the liturgist on the week that s/he serves. No changes (other than greeting and checking in with the guest pastor); it's just all written out to be sure that the liturgist is comfortable with what s/he is doing ahead of time- since they will know the customs of worship better than the guest pastor.

Funeral Info for Families- Members and active participants in the church should contact the office in the event of a death. The document with my leave plan details who will do what in terms of roles and organization. There are two pastors on call who can do funerals. This document includes info for families that can be used to help them to plan and prep to meet with a pastor. 

17314 New Hampshire Avenue, Ashton MD 20861

(301) 774-7100

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