Serving God together in Ashton - Olney - Silver Spring MD
Worship with us on Sundays at 9:30am!
Join us in the sanctuary or via live stream.

On Sundays we worship together at 9:30am.
Nursery care is provided for children ages 3 and under. All young children are always welcome in the sanctuary as well. Joyful noise is a gift!
During the school year, there is Sunday School for children from preschool age up through 12th grade. Everyone starts off together in worship in the sanctuary. Early on the service, the children are invited to come up front and participate in a children's message. After that, children and youth are dismissed for Sunday School (or are welcome to stay in worship).
We celebrate communion on the first Sunday of each month. We practice an "open table"- anyone who would like to feast with Christ is welcome to receive communion. Children are included. We have gluten free wafers and a designated cup for anyone with gluten allergies.
Following worship, there are snacks and hospitality in the gathering area right outside the sanctuary.